A stay in Kratie is an opportunity to experience rural Cambodia, as few tourists ever will.
In our village, there are no tourists. The local people are very welcoming, ready with smiles and "hellos", and the local children are always keen to practice their English with volunteers.
Volunteers will be living in the community, seeing 'real Cambodia', and learning how the locals really live - visiting the local market, eating local food and interacting with local people. Sometimes, there are even opportunities to attend local activities such as Karaoke nights, and ceremonies such as weddings, birthday parties or the opening of a new house.
In addition, volunteers have the chance to learn about the local way of life, agriculture from local farmers, and socialize with local people.

During the volunteers free time and on the weekends, Kratie is a lovely town to explore!
Volunteers can visit the town, take a trip to see the river dolphins, visit Kho Trong Island (and maybe even stay a night there in a home-stay or guest house), visit Sambok Mountain and the monkeys there, discover the forest, villages or ancient temples.
A must-see experience in this area is the 'Mekong Discovery Trail', which is a series of day trips from Kratie Town to explore the Mekong.
One recommended trip is the '100 Pillar Watt and Koh Phdau Trail' - a 35 km day trip to Sambour, to see Wat Sor Sor Mouy Roy. (More information can be found by googling 'things to do in Kratie', and 'Mekong Discovery Trail').
Volunteers could even go further afield to see more of Cambodia...Visit Mondulkiri or Ratanakiri- both easy to do as a weekend trip